Ghostwriting Services

About a year ago, I finished writing a book for a client. Let’s call her "Suzy".

Suzy has dyslexia. She has been dreaming about becoming a published author for over 20 years. She didn’t know when it was going to happen, but she kept her dream alive.

Little did she know that several years later, she would be holding her book in her hand, with her name written on the front cover.

Struggling with dyslexia, Suzy never thought that writing a book would be possible - that it would only remain a dream amidst possibilities - but she made the decision to partner with me so she can make it happen.

Like Suzy, you may have a similar dream. Maybe you don’t have dyslexia, but you are an overworked entrepreneur who has a powerful message to share, but struggle with putting it into words. Or maybe English is not your first language, but yet your dream of becoming an author is strong.

Many happy clients!

My job as the ghostwriter is to help alleviate your pain of writing.

This is where hiring a ghostwriter comes in. Your ideas, tone, and message connect with my gift and talent as a writer and we bridge the gap together.

This collaboration is not only about getting a book out there for the world to notice - it’s about what that book represents.

Could it be more credibility? Freedom? Divine connection? Realizing that your dreams no longer need to stay dreams? They can actually happen the moment you say YES?

Whatever you are searching for in your heart, partnering with a ghostwriter can help you get there. It takes the guesswork out of “how to share your message” and turns it into “you know exactly what I’m going through.”

Ready to learn more? Book a Brainstorming Session and let’s connect.